As time is moving forward, droughts have started to prevail in more and more areas around the world. As we are all aware, water is important for human survival, that is why we need to start conserving water to save ourselves and our upcoming generation from the suffering of water shortage. It is not necessary that you live in a drought-stricken area in order to understand the importance of water.
Even if your country is not affected by drought, cutting on the water use lowers your utility bill and helps to contribute to a better world. A small contribution from each and every house makes a bigger impact on the whole planet. You can cut back on the amount of time that you spend in the shower or replace your lawn with water-wise plants, there are a lot of ways which you can adapt to preserve the world’s precious resource.
Today, we have come up with some methods that you can use to save water in your home. Even if you do some of them, it would be very effective for the future. Just pick the ones which you find convenient according to your routine.
Even a small change can save up to a hundred gallons of water per year! Below are some tips which you can consider :

• Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth
2.5 gallons of water comes out of your faucet every minute. It would be wise of you turn off the faucet after that you have wet your brush and let it that way until it is time to rinse off. After all, you would not want 2.5 gallons of water go down the drain while you brush. Right?

- Shower
While waiting for your shower water to heat up, put a bucket under the faucet so that you can accumulate this water instead of letting it go wasted. You can use this water for your plants or flushing the toilet.

• If it’s yellow, let it mellow
This tip is not applicable for everyone especially for cleanliness freaks or sensitive people. It has been proved that the toilet is one medium which uses more water in the house. Do you really need to flush every time?

• Turn off the tap while washing your hands
It is not necessary that you let the tap open while you are applying soap on your hands, just wet your hands and close the tap until it is time to rinse off the soap that you have applied. By doing so, you can save gallons of water.

• Fix your leaks
Make sure that you check for any leakage around your house. It is important you get your home inspected from time to time. If you find any leakage, fix it either on your own or by a professional plumber. Leaky faucets can waste a lot of water.

• Cut your showers short
Long showers can go waste up to 5 gallons of water per minute. Why waste all that water when you can just cut short your shower time? After all the main point of having a shower is to feel refresh. Short or long, having a shower is the main point here.

• Head to the car wash
If you feel the need that your car needs a wash, you can opt for a car wash that recycles the water afterward rather than washing it at home with a hose. This will save you a lot of energy and water as well.

• Re-use your pasta cooking liquid
Instead of dumping the water that you have used to boil your pasta in the drain, you could be smart and reuse that water. Once it cools down, you can use it to water your plants. Make sure that the water is cold though else it could harm your precious plants.
• Don’t run your dishwasher until it is full
Using the dishwasher when it is an only half-full waste a lot of money. If you have only a few vessels, you might want to wash them yourself in the sink instead of running the machine.

• Keep an eye on your bills to spot some leaks
It is totally reasonable that you always check your utility bills. If you see that your water bill has spiked up, there is definitely a leak somewhere.

• Invest in a rain barrel
Rainwater harvesting is one of the most effective ways to save water. You can use the water that you have saved to keep your plants hydrated.

• Turn off the tap if you are washing a lot of dishes
It is better to let the sink fill up before you start hand washing them. Be wise and turn off the tap while you are scrubbing the dishes.