One good action you can do to sustain the planet after taking nutrients from the soil, year after year,
is composting, even if you don’t have a garden.
Do I need to buy a bin for compost?
What and how you compost will depend on your preference. If you want to compost kitchen waste, you will need a metal or plastic bin, close to the size of a washing machine. You can either buy a commercial one or find an old unused barrel in your backyard.
What should I put in my compost pile?
A good idea is to add compostable household green waste, like fruit and vegetable scraps, lawn and garden clippings, tea bags, coffee filters but tissue papers, newspapers among others are also acceptable.
How long does composting take?
Home waste compost can be read in 1 to 2 months depending on the variety of solid waste that you would have put in the bin. However, without proper care and maintenance, an unmanaged pile could take 6 to 24 months to compost thoroughly.
How do I care and maintain my compost?
When you are adding new waste in the bin, be sure to turn the compost pile, mix it with the lower layers so that the texture of your compost becomes moist but not too sticky. This process helps to provide oxygen to microbes that decay the waste.
How often should I turn my compost?
You will produce compost more quickly by turning it every 2-4 weeks. It takes around two weeks for the pile to heat up to produce much bacterial activity.
What should NOT be put in a compost pile?
Foods like fish, meats, dairy products, oils, non-herbivore animal feces, diseased plants. Meat will attract unwanted wildlife and pests, dog and cat poop contains microorganisms and parasites that you don’t want to plant the crops you will be eating, and of course, the smell. Among vegetables, you will avoid citrus peels and onions because of their acidity content that will kill microorganisms and worms, which will slow down the decomposition in the pile.
When will I know that the compost is ready?
The finished product will become like organic soil. There will be no solid element in the pile. Normally, during the decaying process, the compost heat up. Here the compost pile will no more heat up, even after mixing and turning.
By then, you would be able to add this rich and nutritious soil to your plants in your pots and soil in your garden, from which your plant will feed and grow healthily to provide you with richer fruits, vegetables, and more beautiful flowers.
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