Most households still have (largely) outdated appliances. Think of a washing machine or refrigerator that is more than ten years old. Of course, it’s nice that your appliances last a long time, but they’re not very durable. Every year, better devices that save more energy appear on the market. Are you ready for a new appliance? Here are 6 tips to help you buy more sustainable appliances!
1) Good Quality Pays Off
The production of an appliance is quite harmful to the environment. Moreover, most appliances are manufactured in distant countries, so they usually have to be transported to the area you reside in. It is better to buy a quality appliance once than to buy a lower quality appliance several times. It’s not only good for the environment but also for your wallet!
2) Fryer: Choose the Cold Zone
You come across the term “cold zone” more and more often with French fries. This term means an area in the fryer where the heating element does not heat the oil. The crumbs and leftovers get buried in this layer, so they stay neatly at the bottom of the pan. This has two advantages: firstly, the pan uses less energy (it heats less oil after all), and secondly, the oil lasts much longer. As such, a cold zone fryer is completely sustainable!
3) Choose Appliances With a Good Warranty
Of course, you hope that nothing will go wrong with your appliance. But if it does, a good warranty is essential, not just for your wallet but also for the environment. Without a good warranty, you’re more likely to try to fix the appliance yourself or replace it too quickly. Fortunately, many big stores and online shops have good warranty conditions. Everything is organized, and some will also get an expert to see what’s wrong if you have a complaint. Discarding old appliances and buying new ones is very damaging to the environment. That’s fine if it’s an outdated appliance (older than ten years), but not if you do it regularly with new appliances.
4) Choosing the Right Size
Many people think that bigger is always better. Unfortunately, this is not true for durable appliances. Take a washing machine, for example. You can buy a huge washing machine with a capacity of 8kg, but what good is that if you only wash in smaller batches? Every wash wastes a lot of energy, and this also applies to too large fridges and freezers. So, think carefully before buying an appliance.
5) No Plastic Floors
It’s also better not to choose plastic floors. These are not good for you or the environment. Walking on the floor can release plastic particles that can become airborne and enter your body, which is not good for your health! Therefore, it is better to choose certified recycled wood or natural stone.
6) Wooden Furniture
Choose furniture made from wood or other natural materials and avoid synthetic items or items made from alloys created in a laboratory. A wide variety of factors affect the durability of a wood product, including the type of wood, the product’s location (indoors or outdoors), and the treatment applied to it. In general, wood is lightweight but also strong and durable. If treated properly, hardwood doors and floors, for example, can last more than a lifetime – some over 100 years. The more durable the wood, the less energy is used to make new products, which is a hundred times better for the environment. Other valuable materials include bamboo, cardboard, straw, and cork.
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