Because of its eyes and beautiful skin color, the red-eyed tree frog is considered one of the most beautiful animals on earth. Want to know more about this species? Read on! The red-eyed frog (Agalychnis callidryas) is a small amphibian that has gained popularity over the years due to its beautiful eyes. This special feature…
Category: Nature
Are Electric Cars Greener?
Electric vehicles will be around for a long time. What seemed like a mere dream a decade ago is now the future’s default setting. States and countries have set deadlines by which combustion engine cars that consume fossil fuels and produce pollutants will no longer be sold. As a result, major automakers have decided to…
Heat Waves: Thousands Of Victims.
Despite the serious threat extreme heat presents to our health and economy, people tend to perceive intense heat differently from other climate disasters. Heatwaves don’t get the same attention as a flood or a hurricane, because the damage isn’t as visually obvious. But that’s not to say that heatwaves aren’t causing concern. For example, professional…
Everything you need to know about bogs.
If I were to ask you what were the things that absorb the most carbon dioxide on our planet, you would say trees or forests, right? Only a small fraction of you would think of bogs; yet, these are true powerhouses when it comes to carbon dioxide entrapment. The fact that not many people are…
Everything You Need To Know About Acid Rain.
What Is Acid Rain? During the 1970s and 1980s, “acid rain” was one of the most well-known environmental problems in Europe and North America. It was often featured in news reports and was sometimes mentioned in daily newspapers, television series and other forms of media. The visibility of acid rain in the media, however, has…
A comprehensive guide on foraging.
Initially, humans were hunter-gathers and obtained their food from nature. However, with modernization and evolution, we slowly moved away from this lifestyle and are more and more dependent on others to provide us with food sources. Foraging is a way of going back to our roots and gaining an insight into how our ancestors harvested…
Will Coral Gardening Save Our Reefs?
Coral Gardening
7 Amazing Facts About Sea Otters
The otter, which has lived on Earth for five million years, is in danger of extinction. Unfortunately, only a few are left, and they can rarely be seen since they are more active at night. As a result, many Wildlife Foundations have chosen the otter as their”Animal of the Year” for 2021 to raise awareness…
Everything You Need to Know About Sandstorms
What Is a Sandstorm? Sandstorms or dust storms are violent meteorological phenomena consisting of giant clouds of sand, dust, or other small, dry materials that are blown away by intense winds (such as those that accompany cyclones or storms) and remain suspended in the atmosphere. The particles thus lifted by the winds usually range between…
10 Rare and Hard-to-Find Dog Breeds in the World
Dogs have been living with us almost since the dawn of humanity. Already in those times, they assumed different roles such as shepherd of the flock, vigilant guardian or companion of men during the hunt. It is prevalent to find police dogs in more modern times, capable of performing such specialized tasks as searching for…