The animal kingdom is a diverse world, full of unique creatures. And, whether you are an animal lover or not, these great animal facts are sure to wow you.
#1. A Snail Can Sleep for Three Years
What? Yes, it’s true. While you are constantly being reprimanded for your excessive sleep habits, there are some snails that can sleep up to three years in hibernation or estivation. And the reason why they can sleep for so long? Well, these shelled gastropods usually need moisture to survive, but in case the weather is not cooperating, they continue to sleep up to three years. It’s as simple as that!
#2. It Takes a Sloth Two Weeks to Digest Its Food
When I say sloth, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? For me, it’s Flash Slothmore – the friendly and polite male three-toed sloth in Disney’s Zootopia. And, honestly, who can forget that hilarious scene where Flash takes a while to react to Nick’s joke?
Sloths are unique animals that live in the rainforest canopies of Central and South America. And, it’s not a surprise at all that the term “sloth” is synonymous with the word “slow,” as these animals do live up to this definition.
Tell me, how many times a day do you pee? Well, as per some general medical research, a healthy person should urinate anywhere from four to ten times a day. But, when it comes to sloths, did you know that these animals will urinate or defecate only once a week?
But, the more shocking fact is that they usually take two weeks to digest their food.
#3. A Pig’s Orgasm Lasts 30 Minutes
Excuse me, what?
These pink, filthy animals have a worldwide reputation for sweating profusely, sleeping and wallowing in mud and even their own feces. Eww! However, did you know that the longest orgasm in mammals is that of a domestic pig Sus scrofa domesticus?
Research indicates that their orgasms can last 30 minutes or even sometimes 90 minutes (in my next life, I want to be a pig).
#4. Three Percent of the Ice in Antarctica Glaciers Is Penguin Urine
I know you are still not over the pig, but here is another interesting (and certainly unbelievable fact about Penguins. It is claimed that approximately 3 % of the glacier in Antarctica is composed of the urine of these flightless birds.
See, as the temperature in that particular region is often much below 0° Centigrade, it is evident that the urine of these birds will freeze in the ice.
What a not-so-adorable contribution of the penguins to life in Antarctica!
#5. A Female Ferret Will Die if It Does Not Mate
Seriously? Dying from a lack of sex?
Usually, female ferrets reach sexual maturity at 4-6 months of age. And, when they go into heat (in simple terms: when they are horny) and do not mate, the high level of estrogen can lead to aplastic anemia — a severe condition that eventually leads to death.
#6. Female Lions Do 90 Percent of the Hunting
When talking about lions, Walt Disney’s Lion King has to come to your mind, isn’t it? And then the song “Hakuna Matata” by Timon and Pumbaa (who are one of the best duos of Disney) starts playing in your head.
When it comes to hunting for food, lions are kings. However, did you know that female lions are the ones who do the majority of hunting?
So, while Nala, the nest builder, hunts to feed the family, Simba, the “protector”, patrols the territory and protects the pride.
#7. Capuchin Monkeys Wash Their Hands and Feet in Urine
While sometimes they can be irresistibly cute, monkeys can also be pretty gross. For instance, capuchin monkeys tend to urinate on their hands and feet when they are “sexually excited.” As per Kimran Miller, a primatologist, “alpha males might use urine-washing to convey warm, fuzzy feelings to females.”
This list is not yet completed. If these facts surprised you, well, I will just say there are more coming soon!